Trigger your Flow buttons from the Flow web site

You can now trigger Flow buttons right from the Flow web portal. When looking at your list of flows, simply select the “…” menu and choose the Run now command. This week, we are also adding support for five new services, including Oracle Database.

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Manage Flows in the Admin Center and two new services

Environment administrators can now view the full list of all the flows inside a given environment, as well as enable, disable or delete flows. We also are adding two new services, bringing the total to more than 100 different services you can connect to.

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Create smarter flows using Microsoft Cognitive Services LUIS

Azure cognitive services language understanding intelligent service (LUIS) lets you understand language contextually, so your apps communicate with people in the way they speak. With Flow and LUIS integration, you can design your Flow to execute a set of actions when the desired intent is detected. This post walks you through setting up a Flow to automatically create a calendar entry when your team requests a meeting on Yammer.

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Announcing the Preview of Team Flows

Today we are announcing the preview of Team flows. Team flows make it possible for multiple people to own and manage a flow together, and, if someone leaves an organization, the flows they created can continue to run. Your organization’s custom APIs can be shared along with your Team flows as well. We are also announcing support for two new services Gmail and Azure Cognitive Services Language Understanding Intelligent Service.

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