Advanced | Flow of the Week: Using Flow in a LiveTiles Bots approval bot

Recently a company called Sogeti partnered with a company LiveTiles. LiveTiles has a wide range of products, but I am very interested in their product LiveTiles Bots, which has the ability to create bot a bot where you can tie in Flows from Microsoft Flow. During this blog post, I will explore LiveTiles Bots and elaborate on how this works.

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New Community design, support improvements and connector improvements including Teams and SharePoint

In the past week have released several updates. In addition to the Admin Analytics and Power Query features, we have added: a redesigned community experience to make it easier to find what you need, the ability to open support tickets for Microsoft Flow in the new Power platform admin center, new triggers for Microsoft Teams (so you can run a flow when there are new messages in a channel), new actions for moving files in SharePoint, and three new connectors.

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Introducing Power platform Admin Analytics

As part of the recent preview release of the Power platform Admin center, I am happy to announce that we have included Admin Analytics as part of this preview. The Admin Analytics feature includes reports for Common Data Services, Microsoft Flow and PowerApps.

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Microsoft Flow October 2018 Update: integrations with Office 365, the platform and more!

Microsoft Flow offers rich workflow and business process capabilities for the Microsoft Power platform, and for the Dynamics 365 and Office 365 services that build on that platform. This October, Microsoft Flow is doubling down on the platform integration by releasing key capabilities that enhance the power of all the above products.

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Advanced | Flow of The Week: Retrieving Office 365 Message Center and Service Health Notices using Microsoft Flow

To automate critical business processes in Office 365 using Microsoft Flow, we typically need to call cloud-based services in order to retrieve data. Calling these services often requires us to use the HTTP connector and action, and as a result, provide our TenantID, along with an App’s ClientID and SecretID in the Flow. This blog post will provide a detailed walkthrough of configuring these required parameters when calling cloud services using the HTTP connector. We’ll use a recently released Flow template as an example, which retrieves data from the Office 365 Message Center and Service Health dashboards.

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