Introducing the LinkedIn connector for Microsoft Flow

The LinkedIn connector for Flow enables you to amplify your content’s reach by sharing it with the right audience of professionals. You can share an article on the behalf of your company or from your individual profile. This post walks you through a few scenarios that can benefit from a Flow enabled automation around your LinkedIn posts.

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Calling all SaaS apps: Now you can build your own connector for Flow, Logic Apps and Power Apps

A connector is a wrapper around your API that allows the underlying web app to talk with Flow, Logic Apps and Power Apps. It provides a way for users to connect their own account and leverage a set of pre-built Triggers and Actions for their apps and workflows. By being a part of our growing connector family (currently at 100+), you can enable your users to automate common tasks and build workflows in combination with other social and business applications.

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Create smarter flows using Microsoft Cognitive Services LUIS

Azure cognitive services language understanding intelligent service (LUIS) lets you understand language contextually, so your apps communicate with people in the way they speak. With Flow and LUIS integration, you can design your Flow to execute a set of actions when the desired intent is detected. This post walks you through setting up a Flow to automatically create a calendar entry when your team requests a meeting on Yammer.

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