Microsoft Power Automate txantiloia

Excel Online (Business) OneDrive for Business Approvals Adobe PDF Services Adobe Acrobat Sign Microsoft Teams

Generate agreement for an Excel row, send for review & signature

By Adobe PDF Services

Generate custom document from data in selected Excel row, and from Word template saved in OneDrive. Save to OneDrive, send for signature with Adobe Sign and notify in Teams once completed. Find sample templates for Document Generation at

Fluxuaren ikonoa

Egin lan gutxiago, izan eraginkorragoa

Zeregin errepikakorrak automatizatzeko, konektatu gogoko dituzun aplikazioak.

"Erreproduzitu" ikonoa

Ikusi nola funtzionatzen duen

Ikusi Microsoft Power Automate-ri buruzko bideo labur bat.

Liburuaren ikonoa

Hobetu zeure trebetasunak

Ikasi fluxu errazak zein aurreratuak sortzen.

Proba ditzakezun txantiloi gehiago