Automate document processing with Power Automate

The Power Platform enables you to build a rich and robust document automation solution using:

  • Power Automate to orchestrate the overall process
  • AI Builder to bring the Intelligence required to efficient extract information from documents
  • Power Apps to allow users to manually review and approve documents, and
  • Dataverse to manage the document queue and store all the data, files and configuration required.

Today we excited to release ‘document automation’ which provides this standard end-to-end solution and includes the following components:

  • Manage documents received in emails orchestrated by Power Automate,
  • Use AI Builder form processing solution to extract data from those documents,
  • Process the data extracted and allow users to review and approve data, through a central manual validation Power App.

For example, if your company receives delivery notes by email where today somebody needs to open the attachment and manually enter the data contained in the delivery notes in your ERP. Now with ‘document automation’ you can easily set up a robust automation that will read and extract the data using AI which can easily be reviewed before triggering the next steps in your process, saving you valuable time.

A Simple Installation

By navigating to Power Automate you can access the new document automation page to install the solution in a couple of minutes.

Select the “Custom documents” solution to manage any kind of documents like invoices, receipts and more.

Follow the wizard steps to install it on your environment and configure your automation including permissions and the Power Automate flow connections to your Outlook service mailbox and Dataverse.

Stay in control of the process

Configure the AI Builder model to use for the data extraction and monitor the incoming documents thanks to the “Document Automation Application”.

Review and approve the data extracted when required.

Learn more

Thanks to this automation solutions, organizations can accelerate and optimize the processing of any kind of printed or digital form so humans can be saved from repetitive, low value and error prone tasks.

To learn more about document automation, you can refer to this documentation page.

The Get started with document automation module in Microsoft Learn is also a great way to learn how you can easily automate the processing of your documents.

If you have any feedback on how we can make it even simpler for you to automate your document processing successfully, feel free to share it with us in the AI Builder forum or email us directly at