Upcoming Webinar on Microsoft Flow General Availability features

Update : The registration link is now available here: https://info.microsoft.com/US-PowerBI-WBNR-FY17-11Nov-07-AnnouncingGeneralAvailabilityforMicrosoftFlow272069.html


Join me next week for the next webinar to cover Microsoft Flow features. We will hold it next Monday, November 7th, at 10am PST – 11am PST (-0800).

At this webinar we will cover:

  • General availability and what it means
  • Introduction to the Microsoft Flow Admin Center, which supports enviornment creation and creating Data Loss prevention policies
  • Other new features in the designer, such as the new experience for adding Dynamic content

If you are interested in PowerApps, there will also be a webinar November 3rd, at 10:00 am – 11:00 am PST. You can register for that here: https://info.microsoft.com/US-PowerBI-WBNR-FY17-11Nov-03-AnnouncingPowerAppsgeneralavailability271671.html.

Additional, you can also watch the recording of our most recent Microsoft Flow webinar here: https://aka.ms/flowwebinar. This webinar covered getting started with Microsoft Flow and the latest features back in October.