New Power platform Admin Analytics Reports: Sharing and Connectors

In late September, we announced the public preview release of Power platform Admin Analytics. In that post we discussed a couple of upcoming reports including sharing and connectors. We have honored that commitment and I am happy to share that both the sharing and connectors reports are available in Microsoft Flow Admin Analytics.

Note: The pre-requisites for accessing these reports has not changed, but is something we are working on. Please review the requirements in our previous post.

Both reports provide insight into how users are using flow within your tenant. From a sharing perspective, you are able to understand who are your champions and then figure out how you can empower them to provide even more automated solutions for your organization! The connectors report will identify Microsoft, third party and custom connectors that are in use within your organization. 

When you navigate to the Power platform admin center, you will find an Analytics menu where you can choose to browse analytics for the Common Data Service, Microsoft Flow and PowerApps. For the Sharing and Connectors report, we will click on Microsoft Flow

From within the Flow Analytics feature, we can click on Shared to access our sharing report. Within this report we will see three different visualizations that capture:
• The types of flows shared (System Events, Scheduled or Button clicked)
• The name of the flow that has been shared
• The number of shares that have taken place
• A trendline report of these share events.

In addition to the sharing report, we have also released a report that highlights connector usage. In the Connectors report we will provide:

• Two visualizations that display connector usage by:
o Flow runs
o Connector connections (calls to the connector)
• A table visualization that lists
o The name of connector
o Number of connections 
o Number of flows involved
o Number of flow runs using that connector

What’s coming?
We aren’t done just yet. We are working on reducing the requirements for accessing these reports. We are also working and providing more details within these reports. What else is missing? Would love to hear from you in the comments below.