Known Issue: Login Troubles

Hey Flow Community!

Wanted to put out a quick update since we have gotten word from a couple of Flow users that they're hitting errors when trying to log in. Fret not, if you havent seen this problem, this post isnt for you!

For those of you who have had the problem of logging into the Flow Portal and being taken to the Following page:


While on that page, check the url. You are facing the issue this post describes if the url looks something like this:

As the url suggests, the issue is that Flow is disabled in your tenant.

Follow these steps to unblock login for all users in your tenant.

The Solution:

0.       Note the following steps can only be conducted by your tenant admin. If you are not an admin in your tenant, ask your admin to follow these steps.

1.       Navigate to the azure portal and login.

2.       In the left navigation bar, click to open the Azure Active Directory Settings.


3.       From there, navigate to Enterprise applications > All applications.



4.       Paste 7df0a125-d3be-4c96-aa54-591f83ff541c into the filter input. This is the application id for the Flow service. You may need to select (all applications) under the show dropdown


5.       Click into the Microsoft Flow Service application and open “Properties”.


6.       Ensure that “Enabled for users to sign-in?” is set to Yes.


7.       Click “Save”

With that change, all users should again be able to log into the Flow portal.


The cause:

For those interested in the underlying cause of this issue, please read on.

This login issue surfaces after the last Flow license (or Office licenses which include Flow) expires in your tenant. The default behavior in Azure Active Directory when the last license for an application in a tenant expires is to disable that application in that tenant.

This is good behavior for the majority of applications which require a license to use. Of course, Flow doesn’t require a license to use our free features, so we’re a rare exception to this rule.

We’re currently working with AAD to give applications the ability to toggle this behavior, but in the meantime the steps outlined in this post are the main way to continue using Flow once your licenses expire.


If you have any questions about this please feel free to post Below in the comments, in our Community, or on Twitter