Microsoft Power Automate work queues are generally available

We are thrilled to announce the general availability of Microsoft Power Automate work queues, which provide a streamlined way to manage and prioritize process-relevant data, ensuring efficient workflow automation through a centralized hub for ingestion, processing, tracking, and completion.

Showing a work queue list page with work queue item counts
Work queue list page

Key features

Work queues provide enterprise-scale orchestration and management capabilities, enabling complex processes and automations to be broken down into smaller parts and processed independently, resulting in optimized performance and reduced risk of SLA breaches.

Showing work queue details page with the first 10 work queue items
Work queue details page

Built-in human-in-the-loop and monitoring experiences foster seamless cross-team collaboration between business, operations, and IT, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards common data processing goals that adhere to prioritization and defined SLA’s.

Showing work queue item list page with an opened edit side-panel
Work queue item list page

Supported processing types

Whether you want to process work queues through digital process automation (DPA) with cloud flows, robotic process automation (RPA) with desktop flows, or integrations through direct Dataverse API access, we’ve got you covered!

Showing a cloud flow designer with work queue actions
Processing work queues with the built-in Dataverse connector in Power Automate cloud flows

Showing a Power automate desktop designer canvas with work queue actions
Processing work queues with dedicated actions in Power Automate desktop flow

Showing a Postman API request screen with calls to interact with work queues
Processing work queues in Postman using direct Dataverse API calls for testing advanced integration scenarios

Get started with work queues

Ready to streamline your automations and learn more about work queues? Let’s get started today by visiting our documentation!