New Power platform Admin Analytics Reports: Sharing and Connectors

In late September, we announced the public preview release of the Power platform Admin Analytics. In that post we discussed a couple of upcoming reports including sharing and connectors. We have honored that commitment and I am happy to share that both the sharing and connectors reports are available in Microsoft Flow Admin Analytics.

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Advanced | Flow of the Week: Creating an AtBot ChatBot connected to Dynamics 365

Creating Bots that integrate with Dynamics 365 has not been the easiest thing to do in the past for non-developers because it has required a lot of coding to be done, and also in order to change the conversation flows you needed to update and redeploy the code for the Bot to make it available to the users. Recently I was introduced to a partner solution called AtBot that allows us to create Bot services through the AtBot portal that links to LUIS and Azure Bot Services, allowing us to build conversation flows and dialogs using Flow as the authoring engine. This allows us to build Bots with zero coding experience that also leverages the power of Flow to connect to other services seamlessly, allowing us to integrate Dynamics 365 using the standard entities. In this walkthough we will show you how to configure and build an AtBot Bot that connects to Dynamics 365, using LUIS as the engine for discoving the users intent and deploy it out to chat platforms like Microsoft Teams. This is gold I tell you, gold!

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Repair tips in email for failed flows and other updates

Get emails with specific, actionable feedback about certain errors if your flows fail. Repair tips tell you exactly why a flow failed and how you can fix it. You can also see Repair tips when you click on a run failure in the Flow portal. Additionally, Microsoft Flow is now deployed to South America, so you can create environments that are primarily located in Brazil.

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Advanced | Flow of The Week: Gathering Local Admin Status from Microsoft Intune

For those organizations that have fully adopted the Modern Workplace and have gone “cloud only”, you are most likely using Windows 10 on your workstations and managing those workstations with Microsoft Intune. The below Flow will walk us through how to automate gathering information from Microsoft Intune and presenting it to an administrator.

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Advanced | Flow of The Week: Record your travel mileage using Flow and Bing Maps

Recording your travel mileage is a crucial and currently a manual process to get travel reimbursement, however, now thanks to Flow and the Bing Maps connector we can automate this process as well. There are two Flows, one is for departures and the second for arrival but both of them update the single row in the Excel spreadsheet. The Flow is smart enough to see which was the last entry submitted by the user that only has the departure information and is pending arrival.

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